Корзина пуста

Here you will find some explanations about the way of inserting the order.


The Chop and the Info
To the right of the moulding description you will see the blue word “CHOP” and the red word “INFO”.
If you click “CHOP” a page will open. In that page you can order the moulding with the Chop Service system, that is the moulding already cut at 45° in the size that you request. On that page you will find all the necessary explanations.

If you click the word "Info" the info sheet will open which includes various images and detailed information regarding the moulding. From the info sheet you can also input the order of the moulding and of the samples.

Quantity discounts
For each moulding there are 4 quantity discounts.
In the first column you see 50 on the left and 5% on the right. It means that if you buy at least 50 meters you have 5% discount.
In the second column you see 100 on the left and 10% on the right. It means that if you buy at least 100 meters you have 10% discount. And so on.
If you order a slightly lower quantity a message will appear. For example, if you order 48 meters a message appears reminding you that it would be more convenient to order 50 meters to gain 10% discount. 

Minimum quantity
In the column "Min. Q.ty" you see the minimum buying quantity.
For every moulding there is a minimum quantity. You can also order a quantity lower than the minimum, but in that case a 20% surcherge will be automatically applied.
In such case a message will appear when you enter the quantity in the trolley.

Inserting into the trolley
To insert the quantity of mouldings into the trolley you have to click the image of the trolley that you see on the end of the line.
If you click the image of the trolley without any quantity the minimum quantity will be entered.
Probably you already know that you have to enter the meters and not the number of mouldings. Normally the length of the moulding is 3 meters but may also be shorter (but never shorter than 260 cm).
The ordered quantity will always be rounded to the total meters of the package. If the amount is small, the percentage of rounding may be relevant. For example, an order of 18 meters may be rounded to 15 or 20 meters.

Deleting or modifying the quantity
You can freely change or cancel the quantity already inserted in the cart.
Cancellation can also be done later when you open the cart. Just click the word “Cancel”.

Samples of the mouldings
You can order samples without ordering the mouldings. In this way you can display them in the workshop and test the reaction of your customers.
The corner samples are 15 cm long per side. The price of the corner sample is equal to 30 cm of the moulding.
If you click the button "Show Corner Samples List" the list of corner samples will appear under the list of the mouldings.

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