Корзина пуста
Craft Color 40 ml - 60 Blue/Violet

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  • Craft Color 40 ml - 60 Blue/Violet

  • вес нетто: граммов 115 -  вес брутто: граммов 127

Craft Color series by Ferrario was introduced to satisfy the widest possible range of craft requirements. These water-based paints, are ready-to-use, easily applied with a brush and are very dense. The bright, brilliant colours obtained are long-lasting and light resistant. the versatility of the product is further increased by the fact that the wide range of colours can be mixed with one another.
The series consists of 45 colours:
19 opaque colours
9 glossy colours
4 micaceous dyes
6 metal dyes
3 glittered dyes
4 bi-colours
All colours adhere perfectly to any kind of material: wood, metal, paper, card, paperboard, plastic, polystyrene, ceramic, salt paste, etc.

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